This program will prepare students to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Official GED® Tests and be awarded a State of Florida High School Diploma. An additional performance level will certify that the adult student is career and college ready. This program strives to motivate students not only to obtain a GED® diploma, but to continue their education to earn a post-secondary degree, certificate, or industry certification.
The GED® Preparation Program consists of four courses: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science. The courses are non-graded and characterized by open-entry, open-exit; self-paced instructional modules; differentiated instruction; flexible schedules; and performance-based evaluation.
Upon student progression and mastery of skills in the program, a variety of GED® practice tests will be provided, including the official practice test, GED® Ready, to assess if the student is ready for the official high school equivalency exam through Pearson Vue. A testing discount voucher is provided to students enrolled in the program, when the student has mastered the official practice test. The student is then responsible for registering for the official exam through Pearson Vue. The mastery score of 145 is required in all subject areas to earn a high school equivalent.