Individuals 16 years of age and older may apply for admissions at Florida Panhandle Technical College
Applicants may be denied admission if their enrollment is perceived as a safety concern relating to the welfare of staff and/or students
of Florida Panhandle Technical College. (F.S. 1001.42(8) (a), 1001.42(19) (a), 1001.43(1), 1006.07)

FPTC loves our Veterans!
If you plan to use VA benefits to enroll at FPTC, click here to request information.
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Student Loan Information

High School JUNIORS / SENIORS 16 and older


Our company is offering a $1,000 scholarship opportunity to your students. All they have to do is simply apply and answer a short essay question.
Is it possible for our scholarship to be posted on your university's financial aid or scholarship website?
To learn more about the scholarship or for your students to apply, please visit: